Consumer Electronics

The market for speech technologies in consumer electronics are growing. See below for the latests news on companies that offer speech solutions for games, toys, MP3 players, and other personal entertainment devices.


2024 State of AI in the Speech Technology Industry

How generative (and other types of) artificial intelligence is impacting five important sectors.

The Top Speech Technologies and Vendors: The 2023 Speech Industry Awards

AI, AI, and more AI: The technology is disrupting everything, and it's found everywhere in our speech industry achievements for 2023.

2023 Speech Industry Award Winner: NVIDIA Is Making Voice AI Better for Almost Everyone

NVIDIA saw blowout second-quarter results, surging margins, and incredible demand, which prompted one analyst from Constellation Insights to conclude that "it's clear the company has little competition and a lot of pricing power."

2023 Speech Industry Award Winner: Speechmatics Inches Closer Toward a Universal Translator

Speechmatics, a provider of automatic speech recognition software based on recurrent neural networks and statistical language modeling, is on a mission to make its speech-to-text technology usable by 70 percent of the world's population in the next three years.

Industry Voices

The Importance of Voice Control on Aging in Place

The development of voice control language processing and available applications will impact seniors' ability to safely age in place.

Debunking the Most Common Myths in Voice Technology

Demand for voice-enabled devices has skyrocketed during the pandemic, and in the rush to capitalize on it, businesses can easily fall prey to common misconceptions about voice-enabled products. This piece debunks these myths one by one. 

Mitigating TDMA Noise in Microphone Lines

Here are a few countermeasures that designers can incorporate to mitigate TDMA noise without affecting the signals.

Wake Words Will Soon See a Resurgence

As consumers get more accustomed to using voice interfaces, wake words will become more prominent.


Smart Speakers Should Embrace Privacy by Design

Privacy concerns are to be expected with always-on devices that are passively listening to your most intimate conversations. But media reports of employees and contractors of Amazon and Apple listening to such voice recordings have escalated such concerns.

Will Smart Speakers Have Staying Power?

A good user experience is integral to success. But smart speakers also need to be useful.

Media Standards for the Web: WebRTC and WebAudio

WebRTC and WebAudio add speed and simplicity.

As Technology Gets Smaller, Speech Gets Bigger

Speech Technology Reports and Research

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Consumer Electronics Companies and Suppliers