

The Future Is Bright for the CCaaS Sector

These expanded platforms have altered the WEM competitive landscape.

Making Self-Service More Intelligent

Generative AI is leading to vastly smarter and more capable bots.

Are the Brakes About to Be Applied to Speech-Enabled AI?

AI in the contact center has proved useful, but privacy issues loom.

Analytics Continues Its Charge Beyond the Phone

Companies are gaining even more actionable business intelligence by deploying artificial intelligence and natural language processing engines to customer conversations in multiple digital channels.

Large Language Models Are Suddenly All the Talk in Speech Technology

A few considerations before going all in on the hype.

ChatGPT: Why the Hype and How Does It Affect Speech Technology?

The AI chatbot is a fascinating step forward, and soon it could be much more,

Answer Technology: A Necessary Step in Human-Computer Conversation

Digital assistants need to get better at answering user questions to keep the conversation going.

The AI Contact Center Is Finally Here

Natively integrated capabilities abound in core contact center functions.

Conversational AI Is Becoming More Practical

As a spring conference displayed, the technology is improving and the use cases growing.

The Conversational Cloud Promises Breakthroughs, and Plenty of Complexity

Cloud-delivered speech services are the future, and that future will require a lot of thought.

People with Disabilities Helped Launch Speech Tech. Don’t Leave Them Behind

Design solutions that eliminate difficulties.

Enduring AI-Powered Retail Trends for 2022

Digital engagement will continue to enhance retail, both in the store and online.

Speech Prevailed in a Year of Incredible Turmoil

As we highlight in our annual "State of the Speech Technology Industry" report, 2021 was a very good year for the speech industry.

Interaction Analytics: What’s Driving Adoption

IA solutions can identify the issues that are preventing good CX.

Poor IVR Will Make Your Customers Talk (Not in a Good Way)

Subpar design is bad for everyone.

Speech and AI: From Tipping Point to Table Stakes

Gone are the days when adding virtual assistants was enough.

Designing a Web Site? Learn from the Speech Business—Please!

Contact centers, whether with human or automated attendants, have a lot to teach corporate websites about usability.

Speech Is Up for Any Challenge

As consumers' interactions shifted to digital channels, voice has become the interface of choice for many of those interactions.

Self-Service Is the Channel of Choice—When It Works

Companies are not benefiting from the shift in preference as much as they should be

IVAs: Using AI to Serve Customers and Contact Centers

True omnichannel customer service is becoming closer to reality