

Case Studies Provide Answers to Real-World Problems

Here's how some of your peers have solved problems similar to yours.

Post-Retirement, Speech Tech Projects Await

What will I do if I stop working? What won't I do

Medical Diagnosis Applications Are the Frontier of Speech Tech

AI-based voice apps can help in the early diagnosis of disorders such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.

The Future Is Bright for the CCaaS Sector

These expanded platforms have altered the WEM competitive landscape.

Speaking of Speech Tech’s Future, It Suddenly Arrived

Let's not take all of this progress for granted.

Pitfalls Facing Conversational Assistants: Hallucinations and Deepfakes

Bad data (and actors) can have consequences.

Generative AI Is the Swiss Army Knife for Today’s Conversational Assistants

Helpful assistants can become even more so thanks to genAI.

From Agent Assist to Employee Assist

Copilot apps are proliferating, and they mean business.

Are the Brakes About to Be Applied to Speech-Enabled AI?

AI in the contact center has proved useful, but privacy issues loom.

Automatic Dialogue Replacement Will Translate to Big Profits

Voice-to-voice translation is one of the most potentially lucrative uses for voice cloning technology.

The Need for Explainable AI in Speech Technology

As artificial intelligence becomes more widely adopted, it will have to be more responsible.

AI + IA = Great CX

This equation is reinventing the contact center.

Real-Time Transcription Serves an Immediate Need (or Lots of Them)

Contact centers are seeing all kinds of potential use cases,

The Contact Center Supervisor Workspace Gets a Makeover

From analytics to Copilot, this desktop is supercharged.

Analytics Continues Its Charge Beyond the Phone

Companies are gaining even more actionable business intelligence by deploying artificial intelligence and natural language processing engines to customer conversations in multiple digital channels.

AI Is Making UCC and the Contact Center into an Increasingly Powerful Combo

Teaming up these AI-fueled solutions yields a variety of shared capabilities and benefits.

Recognizing Atypical Speech Is ASR’s Achilles’ Heel

Accessibility can't be an afterthought.

Real-Time Guidance Is Key to a Great Service Experience

RTG can elevate customer interactions into relationship building sessions.

Interaction Analytics: Listening in on the Omnichannel Customer Journey

The value of these solutions increases as they're applied to more parts of your company.

Agent Hiring in the Age of AI

Artificial intelligence can help address agent churn before it happens.